




need Xcode for testing iPadOS 16.2
I have a crashing issue to investigate, that showed up with iPad OS 16.1. I tried the 16.2 beta to see if the problem was fixed, but it isn't. Next I was going to do a debug run of my app in Xcode, but then discovered Xcode only supports up to 16.1. Currently there is no Xcode beta download. Is there a way to find out when there will be a beta that can build for 16.2?
Nov ’22
how to give feedback online?
There are several serious issues in macOS 10.15.1 beta 1, to the point that it's not possible to connect to a network in order to use Feedback Assistant. I finally had to reinstall 10.15 beta 11 in order to post this question.Is there an online form for sending in reports on issues that prevent macOS from functioning enough to send in a report via Feedback Assistant?
Oct ’19
how to restore from iPad backup?
Today I did a backup of my iPhone and iPad, and restored them from ipsw files to be on iOS 13 beta 3 and iPad OS beta 3. My MobileSync/Backup folder had two folders in it, with the sizes and modified times making sense for the two backups I had done.The iPhone restored from backup correctly, but when trying to restore from backup on the iPad, the drop down menu only shows the iPhone's backup.This is in Catalina by the way. Is there a way to manually select the iPad backup, or something I need to do to make it appear in the menu along with the iPhone backup?
Jul ’19